Initially chartered in 1934, Troop 6 enjoys a rich history in Arizona Scouting and remains one of the most well-established and accomplished Boy Scout Troops in Arizona today. As of January 2024 we are proud to say 230 Boy Scouts have achieved Eagle Rank since Troop 6 began.
Sponsored by the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in the Arcadia neighborhood of Phoenix, Troop 6 is a chartered member of the Central District, Grand Canyon Council of Boys Scouts of America. There are approximately 50 scouts registered and active in Troop 6.

Troop 6 offers numerous outdoor experiences during the year
Troop 6 typically alternates between car campouts and backpacking outings, depending on scout interest, campsite availability, and other factors such as weather and driving distance. Scouts are welcome to attend all campouts (car and backpacking) with or without a parent.
Car Campouts

Scouts are encouraged to camp in their own tents, especially after Tenderfoot rank is reached.
Patrols plan and cook meals together at campouts.
Each patrol has a “chuckbox” of cooking supplies. The patrol quartermaster is responsible for taking care of the chuckbox. This includes ensuring that the materials are clean, organized, and restocked as necessary.
Car campouts are a great place for scouts to complete advancement requirements, as many of these revolve around outdoor skills. Older scouts will help younger scouts with these requirements.
We typically have a Sunday morning event (hike, activity, etc.), and plan to arrive home between noon and 2pm on Sunday from car campouts.
Backpacking Trips
Backpacking involves scouts and one parent driving to a spot and then hiking in and out to the campsite. Hiking is involved in order to reach the campsite. Backpacking trips involve the following:
- Scouts pack their own gear and hike with their own backpacks and equipment
- To reduce pack weight, scouts are encouraged to share tents. Backpacking trips are for scouts and one parent only.
- Scouts are encouraged to attend on their own when they feel comfortable and gain experience.

Summer Camps

Every summer, Troop 6 attends at least one summer camp. We typically head to camp just before the July 4th holiday. This timing allows our older scouts to attend summer school and allows families to plan for vacations.
Camp Geronimo
Camp Geronimo is the Grand Canyon Council’s summer camp up in the pines near Payson. Geronimo is a valued tradition for Troop 6 and is an amazing experience for our scouts. Ask any former scout who grew up in Arizona if they attended Geronimo and they will immediately smile and tell you how important it was to them as a youth. At summer camp, scouts will be able to:
Get to know other scouts, outside of their own patrol
Gain important skills such as cooking, lifesaving, metalwork, rifle shooting, and many more!
Serve in leadership positions
Take fun and interesting merit badge classes or earn scouting awards
Complete rank advancement requirements
Have an unforgettable experience
Occasionally, we attend a second summer camp. We often head to Camp Emerald Bay at Catalina Island. The troop has also organized Cavalcade trips to Philmont Scout Ranch.
Service Projects
Doing service projects together is one way that Troop 6 Scouts keep their promise “to help other people.” While a Scout should do his best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. While you’re giving service, you’re learning to work together with others to do something that’s good for your community.
Our service projects may help the natural world, the community, or the chartered organization. Service projects Troop 6 has participated in include Scouting for Food food bank donations, flag retirement ceremonies, Color Guard and Pledge of Allegiance at the Arcadia Camelback Mountain Neighborhood Association, Prince of Peace campus cleanup, 4th of July Parade, Set up and tear down for Arcadia Osborn Neighborhood Association event, and Arcadia Cares Packathon food drive.